National Taipei University of Technology Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence

(Department of Architecture Deadline: 110/10/04 11:00 a.m.) National Taipei University of Technology Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence (internal scholarship//uniform application)
(Recommended by each department)
Target: 20 students from each department will be selected after a standardized evaluation; each scholarship will be $5,000.
Eligibility: The previous academic year (including two semesters): academic average of 70 or above, conduct score of 75 or above such as sports, military training and passing grades, and the family is poor and has suffered a major change, and has not received other internal and alumni scholarships.
Application forms: 1. Application form; 2. Transcript (including conduct); 3. Proof of family hardship (not required).
Please register the scholarship application on the campus portal and send the application information to each department office before the deadline.